Club Arnage

Club Arnage => General Discussion => Topic started by: redstu on December 10, 2009, 01:03:47 pm

Title: Going Dutch!
Post by: redstu on December 10, 2009, 01:03:47 pm
I hate stuff like this'Spy%20In%20The%20Sky'%20Tolls ('Spy%20In%20The%20Sky'%20Tolls)

whats the thoughts from the DFH crew?

Title: Re: Going Dutch!
Post by: Paddy_NL on December 10, 2009, 01:49:47 pm
whats the thoughts from the DFH crew?

They promised us to drop the road tax, and so we get to pay per driven mile. In a way it seems more honest, even though we will bound to have failing systems and inevitably people taken to court.
Btw, the 2012 date has already been postponed - changing laws take a long time here...

It's just another way of 'big brothering' us, even though the government is strongly in denial (you are applying for this job, but we have seen you oversleep at least two times a week). I see it just like the airmiles at the supermarket (how many crates of beer do you buy a week, sir?!), internet transactions (how much prawn do you watch a week, madam?) and the government admittance of tapping mobile phones in this country. But at least NL admits to the latter, while other countries do the same whilst keeping their mouth firmly shut :-X

It's the future way of running countries, and I think we are slightly ahead of the rest of Europe. Guess the governments did learn something from the Stazi after all :-\

Title: Re: Going Dutch!
Post by: nopanic - neil on December 10, 2009, 02:45:08 pm
no mobile phone tapping here  ::)

think it's just a big golf course. (

Title: Re: Going Dutch!
Post by: clkgtrlm1 on December 10, 2009, 03:00:29 pm
whats the thoughts from the DFH crew?
(how much prawn do you watch a week, madam?)

Love watching prawn

Title: Re: Going Dutch!
Post by: F-Troop Mom on December 10, 2009, 08:54:02 pm
I'd rather just pay the road taxes, thank you very much.  We already have it here on the Florida Turnpike (still voluntary at this time), you just go thru the toll booths without stopping and then they deduct the tolls from your card.

Title: Re: Going Dutch!
Post by: Martini...LB on December 10, 2009, 09:30:59 pm
I'd rather just pay the road taxes, thank you very much.  We already have it here on the Florida Turnpike (still voluntary at this time), you just go thru the toll booths without stopping and then they deduct the tolls from your card.

I had a problem on one of those many booth things around Florida, I thought I had paid ok but it did not work so I got a bill from the Hire Car company to the tune of 80 cents for the toll and $25 for the admin. I of course paid because I do not want to be blackballed by H Car companies. This was, luckily, when the £ was a bit stronger.


Title: Re: Going Dutch!
Post by: Brad Zarse on December 11, 2009, 01:39:01 am
I don't mind paying by the mile, if they scrap fuel taxes.....  Works out better for me!

Chances of that happening?  Nil I suspect....

Title: Re: Going Dutch!
Post by: JDS on December 11, 2009, 09:25:33 am
..... still voluntary at this time.....
How does that work then? Does anyone actually pay anything?

Title: Re: Going Dutch!
Post by: garyfrogeye on December 11, 2009, 10:39:11 am
I know it's an old chesnut but it would (i imagine) be so simple to scrap all the roads tax duties and simply add it to fuel charges.
The more you use the road, the more you pay. The more uneconomical the vehicle, the more you pay. No insurance, they crush your car.
Am I oversimplifying this?

Title: Re: Going Dutch!
Post by: redstu on December 11, 2009, 01:57:54 pm
I know it's an old chesnut but it would (i imagine) be so simple to scrap all the roads tax duties and simply add it to fuel charges.
The more you use the road, the more you pay. The more uneconomical the vehicle, the more you pay. No insurance, they crush your car.
Am I oversimplifying this?

yes, but what about all the officials that administer the tax system, what would they be doing?

Well we need some cutbacks now anyway.

Tax on fuel and no road tax , its simple (too simple perhaps!)  its the way forward not more state surveilance!

The only beneficiaries would be the companies supplying the equipment and support and the mp s who advise them then ultimately end up on the boards of the same companies earning thousands for a few hours work.

Title: Re: Going Dutch!
Post by: Lorry on December 11, 2009, 02:36:47 pm
There has to be a vehicle registration system, so that they know who to send the parking tickets to, if its got an MOT and that its not a tax free import

Is it Switzerland, where the number plate is issued to a person, rather than the car.  That might work, but your driving licence would then cost £100 a year, and you couldn't tell how old a car was from the plate and..........

Title: Re: Going Dutch!
Post by: JDS on December 11, 2009, 02:47:32 pm
......and you couldn't tell how old a car was from the plate and..........

Why do we need to do that? I've never really got why we are so hung up on that in the UK. My UK car's reg bears no relationship at all to when it was made/registered.

Our French cars end in '17' as that's the area that we live in but there is no way to tell how old it is, indeed, until this year, all cars got a new reg no there when transferred to a new owner anyhow.

Personally, I like the idea of not have an age identifier on the no plate as it stops the artificial swaying of the market around March & Sept and all the 'mine's newer than yours' rubbish.

Title: Re: Going Dutch!
Post by: tn*c on December 11, 2009, 03:09:15 pm
It is very usefull with regard to spotting stolen cars. A Vauxhall C(h)avalier using 58 Plates for example could be stopped without needing to run it through a computer system.

Title: Re: Going Dutch!
Post by: Robspot on December 11, 2009, 05:08:15 pm
It is very usefull with regard to spotting stolen cars. A Vauxhall C(h)avalier using 58 Plates for example could be stopped without needing to run it through a computer system.

Two points. Firstly why would anyone steal a cavalier? Secondly if anyone did steal a cavalier why on earth would they put 58 plates on it?

Title: Re: Going Dutch!
Post by: Barry on December 11, 2009, 05:16:59 pm
It is very usefull with regard to spotting stolen cars. A Vauxhall C(h)avalier using 58 Plates for example could be stopped without needing to run it through a computer system.

Two points. Firstly why would anyone steal a cavalier? Secondly if anyone did steal a cavalier why on earth would they put 58 plates on it?

That's west Berkshire for you. Similar to Norfolk ;)

Title: Re: Going Dutch!
Post by: Paddy_NL on December 11, 2009, 08:11:43 pm
It is very usefull with regard to spotting stolen cars. A Vauxhall C(h)avalier using 58 Plates for example could be stopped without needing to run it through a computer system.

Two points. Firstly why would anyone steal a cavalier? Secondly if anyone did steal a cavalier why on earth would they put 58 plates on it?

That's west Berkshire for you. Similar to Norfolk ;)

Point number three would be the guy is an idiot, and a danger to other road users. Why would somebody put a whopping 58 plates on his vehicle anyway? You couldn't see a thing through the windshield anymore ::)

Title: Re: Going Dutch!
Post by: alibongo on December 18, 2009, 08:41:55 pm

Title: Re: Going Dutch!
Post by: F-Troop Mom on December 18, 2009, 08:49:20 pm
..... still voluntary at this time.....
How does that work then? Does anyone actually pay anything?

Sorry JDS...haven't logged on in a while.  You can either get the card (with sensor) and load money on it, which is then automatically deducted each time you pass through the toll booth or you can just go to a cashier toll booth and pay cash for each segment.

Title: Re: Going Dutch!
Post by: Maximum on December 31, 2009, 09:08:50 am

The dutch people invented taxes i think.

When you buy a new car you pay BPM ( a sort of new car tax up to 40% for big cars)
On top of that you pay the 19% vat.

Then there is the road tax, insurance ( including the 19% vat ), and the finishing tax and vat on petrol.

All this money has to be collected ( the new GPS pay by the mile system wil cost about 700 mil a year ) and creates jobs.

Skip the taxes and increase the petrol price.
