Club Arnage

Club Arnage => General Discussion => Topic started by: Queen Vic of the Melans on November 16, 2009, 12:44:44 pm

Title: Button and Hamilton team mates?
Post by: Queen Vic of the Melans on November 16, 2009, 12:44:44 pm

Title: Re: Button and Hamilton team mates?
Post by: Brad Zarse on November 17, 2009, 01:32:30 pm
Interesting prospect this one.

I fail to see how stepping down from full factory partnership, into the realms of the customer engine is a good move to be honest.

Be very interesting to see an all british line up though.

Title: Re: Button and Hamilton team mates?
Post by: Barry on November 18, 2009, 12:16:10 am
Be very interesting to see an all british line up though.

And it will be a British lineup verses an all German lineup at Mercedes, The Sun is already relishing the prospect.

Title: Re: Button and Hamilton team mates?
Post by: JDS on November 18, 2009, 08:56:33 am
I fail to see how stepping down from full factory partnership, into the realms of the customer engine is a good move to be honest.

I don't think that McLaren had much say in the matter - seems that Merc have terminated the deal because of the upcoming McLaren MP4-12-whotzit road car (being seen as some sort of a threat I guess?) 

Title: Re: Button and Hamilton team mates?
Post by: landman on November 18, 2009, 09:44:46 am
Thursday is 'decision day' apparently.

JB is due at the Brawn GP factory at Brackley tomorrow & the suspicion is that there will be an announcement.

Mercedes are on record stating that they have no requirement for an all German team.

Title: Re: Button and Hamilton team mates?
Post by: Nordic on November 18, 2009, 01:47:40 pm

The deal has been done, Button to McLaren and Kimi out for at least a year. Which would see him  counting the severance pay from Ferrari I guess before retuning in 2011 with Red Bull.

Surprised at the Button Move tbh, I suspect it was more that Mercedes did not want him rather than him wanting out.

Title: Re: Button and Hamilton team mates?
Post by: Queen Vic of the Melans on November 18, 2009, 02:00:03 pm
Jenson just has to hope that McLaren are more competetive in 2010 and that Hamilton isn't classed as #1 because of all his years served at the team...  I have to be honest and say I don't know if he will be able to match Hamilton, much as I like and respect him as a driver. 

Title: Re: Button and Hamilton team mates?
Post by: LangTall on November 18, 2009, 02:20:26 pm
As far as I know the reigning world champion drives the car with nr #1. How they will be treated internally is something different....

Title: Re: Button and Hamilton team mates?
Post by: Jules G on November 18, 2009, 03:05:59 pm
It's now official on the Mclaren Web site;

Title: Re: Button and Hamilton team mates?
Post by: Nordic on November 18, 2009, 05:28:31 pm
Agree with that, Can't wait to see the images of daddy Button vs daddy Hamiliton in the garages during the races.

Title: Re: Button and Hamilton team mates?
Post by: Bentley boy on November 18, 2009, 05:59:48 pm
some of it is to take the wind out of Antony Hamiltons' sails, he's been upsetting some of the team with his views, young hamilton now being the #2 driver.  Should have had Alonso back, now that would have worth watching

All I'll say is may the best man win. if the Hamiltons are afraid of coming 2nd they'll have to up their game.
They'll push each other on like Mansell & Piquet Prost & Senna etc etc isn't this what Mclaren want to a point

Title: Re: Button and Hamilton team mates?
Post by: Boorish Grobian on November 18, 2009, 07:39:22 pm
Daddy Button mostly looks like a flaming candy-ass with his pink shirts, capri pants and bottle tan.  They'd look like two girls fighting...
I don't really think as a driver Button will be much of a threat to Lewis.  I've always veiwed Button as a decent journeyman driver who found the magic bullet last year, much like Damon Hill in 1996.  I suspect Hamilton will walk all over Jenson, McLaren will shove Button out at the end of the year and welcome Kimi back in 2011.

Title: Re: Button and Hamilton team mates?
Post by: Dangermouse on November 18, 2009, 08:49:30 pm
I too agree that under normal circumstances Lewis would be noticeably quicker than Jenson, but remember they have to do an entire race without refuelling, making pit-stops more costly.
Keeping those tyres running alot longer may bring Button back into play as he is known to be a more car sympathetic driver.

Still think Lewis will do him tho' 

Title: Re: Button and Hamilton team mates?
Post by: nopanic - neil on November 18, 2009, 09:38:36 pm
I think it will be an interesting team set-up.

Still wonder who will be the main sponsers for an all GB team.

So who is going to start a sweep stack or a poll - Which side of the team are you going to surport - Button or Lewis?

Title: Re: Button and Hamilton team mates?
Post by: Nordic on November 18, 2009, 10:18:55 pm
Daddy Button mostly looks like a flaming candy-ass with his pink shirts, capri pants and bottle tan.  They'd look like two girls fighting...
I don't really think as a driver Button will be much of a threat to Lewis.  I've always veiwed Button as a decent journeyman driver who found the magic bullet last year, much like Damon Hill in 1996.  I suspect Hamilton will walk all over Jenson, McLaren will shove Button out at the end of the year and welcome Kimi back in 2011.

I am not so sure, Hamiliton is an edge of his seats type of driver and always looks like he takes more from his tyres etc, but his drives in F3000 where no fuel stops or tyre changes happen where often inspired and his car control was great, Button by contrast looks as smooth as they come, maybe less driven than hamilton now he has a wdc, but i think he be the more consistent and maybe able to needle hamilton if he can get on the pace straight away.

I think ferrari will have bigger problems with massa vs alonso, alonso i think is the quicker, but i think massa has better support in the team and if he can be on the pace from the start of the season will be able to edge alonso.

I think the title sponsor for McLaren are still Vodaphone/mercedes?

Title: Re: Button and Hamilton team mates?
Post by: Boorish Grobian on November 18, 2009, 10:34:57 pm
I don't see Button getting close to Hamilton.  As I said Button to me is just a competent journeyman who landed in the right place, at the right time.  Hamilton's the real deal.  Look at their respective performances the second half of last season, Button's second half was hardly worthy of a world champ.  Hamilton will adapt to not having re-fueling with no problem, everyone will now have to manage tires and brakes, but the best will come to grips with it quickly, they always do.  Also, I think Button is far more likely to be distracted by his raised celebrity status as champion than LH was.
As far as Ferrari?  I think Alonso will destroy Massa, simply put.  Massa could cope with a half-hearted Raikkonen, but Alonso's another animal entirely.

Title: Re: Button and Hamilton team mates?
Post by: Nordic on November 18, 2009, 10:47:33 pm
time will tell, without a doubt hamilton is more driven and wants the wdc back. This year will have straightened him out. Buttons mid season form did dip, but he came thru when it mattered and is less likey to get into scrapes and will rack up points while Hamilton is spinning his wheels in a gravel trap.

Massa is fragile without a doubt, but so is Alonso. I think the spainard is maybe the best driver on the grid, but Massa is very very fast on his day and if he can rattle Alonso in the first few races Alonso will start complaining about the team not being behind him etc.

Ether way Vettel will win the wdc next year.

Title: Re: Button and Hamilton team mates?
Post by: Boorish Grobian on November 19, 2009, 01:08:52 am
Something to remember about the Ferrari situation is that Schumacher is no longer an advisor to the F1 squad.  Whether Alonso had a hand in this one could speculate.  But Schumacher has always been a big supporter and "coach" to Massa, and I suspect the absence of the German will have a impact on Massa's confidence.

Title: Re: Button and Hamilton team mates?
Post by: chop456 on November 19, 2009, 09:31:55 am
if he can rattle Alonso in the first few races Alonso will start complaining about the team not being behind him etc.

If the sun rises, Alonso will complain. 

Agreed on Vettel.

Title: Re: Button and Hamilton team mates?
Post by: nopanic - neil on November 19, 2009, 07:15:24 pm

Button - interview on BBC.

And he said
"I'm earning less than I would have at Brawn, so it's not for money - everyone involved knows that's the case."

what can you say -  :-X

Title: Re: Button and Hamilton team mates?
Post by: Boorish Grobian on November 19, 2009, 07:43:10 pm
Tend to agree about Vettel.  He, Hamilton, Alonso, and Kubica I would put at the head of the class.  The biggest question mark about Vettel's hopes are whether or not Red Bull can deliver the goods.

Title: Re: Button and Hamilton team mates?
Post by: Dangermouse on November 19, 2009, 08:04:46 pm
Quote from: Jason Bottom
I'm earning less than I would have at Brawn

Beg to differ Jensen but you guys get paid, you don't 'earn' your money! 

Title: Re: Button and Hamilton team mates?
Post by: Robbo on November 19, 2009, 08:43:05 pm
Tend to agree about Vettel.  He, Hamilton, Alonso, and Kubica I would put at the head of the class.  The biggest question mark about Vettel's hopes are whether or not Red Bull can deliver the goods.

Kubica - Really????
Far too ugly to be taken seriously  :P

Title: Re: Button and Hamilton team mates?
Post by: Boorish Grobian on November 19, 2009, 08:55:13 pm
Hmm, tend to differ with you on some of these points FS.  I think Lewis is still McLaren's golden boy, he's been part of their organization for a very long time, a world champ for them, and its a team that's very loyal to its drivers.  I don't think for a second that Button is in Hamilton's class.
Damon was a marvelous driver...when he was by himself on the track.  Probably the most hopeless overtaker of any racing driver I've ever seen, way too indecisive!  But a lovely bloke and a great ambassador for the sport.  He was proof that nice guys do sometimes finish first.  But NO!  He was never, ever in the class of Michael or Mika.
Regarding Kimi?  He is probably one of the most naturally gifted, seat-of-the-pants drivers to ever sit in a racing car.  Problem is, it made him dead lazy.  He's never had to work at going fast, it just came naturally, and as a result he doesn't like to work, and his motivation suffers from it.  When his heads in the game he's untouchable, witness Spa this year.  I always thought he and Ferrari a strange combination, and I always thought McLaren was the perfect environment for him, if he ends up at Brawn-Mercedes, and the car is up to snuff, he'll fly.

Title: Re: Button and Hamilton team mates?
Post by: Lorry on November 19, 2009, 09:44:46 pm
And he said
"I'm earning less than I would have at Brawn, so it's not for money - everyone involved knows that's the case."

what can you say -  :-X
 :o ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: Button and Hamilton team mates?
Post by: nopanic - neil on November 20, 2009, 10:29:46 am
Bit about McLaren finances.

and a TV interview with Button (who can read body language?)

Title: Re: Button and Hamilton team mates?
Post by: Fran on November 20, 2009, 12:03:19 pm
(who can read body language?)

I guess he is mostly looking directly at the person, smiling throughout with occasional eye movement down to the right - arms and legs in an open position.   So ....

"Averting gaze to look down from someone’s eyes can suggest a desire to hide and an inner will to no longer see who is in front of them and be safely away from the other person. This is often displayed in young males during meeting dominant figures in a new social situation, it signifies a willingness to submit and a soft statement that they are no threat to the status quo.

Looking down and to the right displays that the person is recalling, or is experiencing, an emotional state. (Look at other signals to discern which emotion)

Arms by the side and away from the body --> confident, strong

Legs Uncrossed, slightly open --> inviting body language, open to communication "

... no problem there then!   :)


Title: Re: Button and Hamilton team mates?
Post by: Fran on November 20, 2009, 02:08:39 pm
In fairness, I havent actually watched it with the sound on, so dont know what he is saying!! Also dont know what else is in the room that may/may not be drawing his attention.

I just think he is kinda cute to watch!   :)


Title: Re: Button and Hamilton team mates?
Post by: Fran on November 20, 2009, 02:45:27 pm
well that sounds like someone in the legal trade

Cant quite see what thats got to do with it?!  ::)

Title: Re: Button and Hamilton team mates?
Post by: Fran on November 20, 2009, 03:17:51 pm
well that sounds like someone in the legal trade

Cant quite see what thats got to do with it?!  ::)

that really now does sound like someone from the legal trade ::)

You do make me chuckle FS - now that'll be  £120 for my time and (partial) attention!   :D

Title: Re: Button and Hamilton team mates?
Post by: Fran on November 20, 2009, 05:05:02 pm
well that sounds like someone in the legal trade

Cant quite see what thats got to do with it?!  ::)

that really now does sound like someone from the legal trade ::)

You do make me chuckle FS - now that'll be  £120 for my time and (partial) attention!   :D

if you han't had said that, that would've been my next line.  Fortunately, my professional body give me conditional fee insurance cover, so keep charging away, don't cost me a bean.

Excellent - everyone is a winner!

Title: Re: Button and Hamilton team mates?
Post by: nopanic - neil on November 30, 2009, 01:59:03 pm
more here