Club Arnage

Club Arnage => General Discussion => Topic started by: Mr. Rick on November 01, 2009, 05:06:22 pm

Title: Doris' leaving bash photo ... not for those of a sensitive disposition ;O)
Post by: Mr. Rick on November 01, 2009, 05:06:22 pm (

Oh and JP, think we all still owe you for the buffet, I know I do!

How are the heads today people?


Title: Re: Doris' leaving bash photo ... not for those of a sensitive disposition ;O)
Post by: Barry on November 01, 2009, 05:29:17 pm

Oh and JP, think we all still owe you for the buffet, I know I do!

How are the heads today people?

Not to bad considering.

We also still owe for the buffet, and we have one of JP's cool bags as well.

Title: Re: Doris' leaving bash photo ... not for those of a sensitive disposition ;O)
Post by: Perdu on November 01, 2009, 05:47:49 pm
I'm gonna hate not having gone enough already

notwithstanding a busted Midget

dont rub it in...

Dx babe have a great new Zeal..oops life

keep in touch

miss ya already

Looks like a damned fine (and awesomely representative CA "do")

Doris you deserved it


Title: Re: Doris' leaving bash photo ... not for those of a sensitive disposition ;O)
Post by: Brad Zarse on November 03, 2009, 07:07:45 pm
My head on Sunday morning was absolutely terrible.  Not because I was hungover, but because I slept in my entire costume.  I would like to point out, to anyone who doesn't know - that fake blood stains if left on all night.  It also flipping well stings if it goes in your eyes, and also seals them up if you sleep in it.....

An outstanding evening had by all .... apart from the neighbours at the hotel.  I don't think either I, or they, will forget walking in to a random womans room, to find Rex, sat on the bed which he'd broken (in someone elses room remember) dressed in nothing but a Bretheren T-Shirt, and the most horrendous pair of pants I've ever seen.......

Title: Re: Doris' leaving bash photo ... not for those of a sensitive disposition ;O)
Post by: Lord Pig-Pen on November 04, 2009, 02:06:07 am
My head on Sunday morning was absolutely terrible.  Not because I was hungover, but because I slept in my entire costume.  I would like to point out, to anyone who doesn't know - that fake blood stains if left on all night.  It also flipping well stings if it goes in your eyes, and also seals them up if you sleep in it.....

An outstanding evening had by all .... apart from the neighbours at the hotel.  I don't think either I, or they, will forget walking in to a random womans room, to find Rex, sat on the bed which he'd broken (in someone elses room remember) dressed in nothing but a Bretheren T-Shirt, and the most horrendous pair of pants I've ever seen.......

I can finally type properly! What a superb day and nite. It was awesome and thanks to all who organised, attened and recorded the terrible events. My Rugby virginity is lost and I have no Idea what happened to that girls bed.
Steve reports that I was trouserless in under a minute on arrival in the strangers room... I can report no more than that..apart from the sleeping arrangements were interesting and eventully rather pleasant!