Club Arnage

Club Arnage => General Discussion => Topic started by: garyfrogeye on October 07, 2009, 05:23:33 pm

Title: Le Mans Classic 2010 Who's going?
Post by: garyfrogeye on October 07, 2009, 05:23:33 pm
It seems that because I've taken B*gger all holiday this year, that I'll be able to squeeze a few extra days for next years Classic. I've never been to it before, is anyone from here going and also for those who've been before, how does getting hold of the camping and entry tickets work out.

Title: Re: Le Mans Classic 2010 Who's going?
Post by: Barry on October 07, 2009, 06:47:39 pm
It's the usual farce with the ACO I'm afraid.
Information that I have seen is that like LM this year ticket ordering will be on the website.
This apparently will be up and running 'by the end of 2009'.
If you log onto the follwing web site: (

You can sign up for the news letter, which hopefully will let you know when tickets are on sale.

Theres also lots of info regarding the 2008 race, which was very similar to the set up for 2006, expect 2010 to be the same, except for ticketing.

Jo and I are almost certainly attending, already booked the ferry tickets, just need to get the event tickets!!

Title: Re: Le Mans Classic 2010 Who's going?
Post by: Jules G on October 07, 2009, 07:06:04 pm
The UK based ticket agency told me today that MB and Blue Nord campsite will be open for business and individual pitches. Karting Nord will be open as well for large groups/car clubs who want to fence off areas, fly flags etc. Other campsites will be opened up as and when ticket sales show that there is demand. Pricing seems pretty reasonable, around £50 for a weekend ticket and 90 ish for a camping permit. They did mention "smart casual attire" when visiting the paddock areas.

It's down on the to-do list for next year, may take my 10 year old lad for his first taste of LM action as he would just have finished school for the summer hols!

Title: Re: Le Mans Classic 2010 Who's going?
Post by: Nordic on October 07, 2009, 08:48:14 pm
We skipped the main event last year for the classic, we got our tickets direct from the ACO without any problems. in fact we ened up with more tickets than we needed, a pair for MB and Karting Nord, we offloaded the MB on CA and kept the Karting Nord.

Its a very much more relaxing affair than the main race, and I would say ideal for taking a 10 year without the potential agro that would bring with camping at the main race.

Access to the race cars was great in the paddocks which are all organised according to era, think Goodwood without the dresscode! there are so many classic race cars, the paddocks are an event in themselves.

The track is a much more relaxing affair, far fewer people means you have much better access to all areas, but you also have fewer food drink stalls etc. The carrefour is much less busy as well!

I would say its an event that any LM fan should do at least once, the only down side is the racing was generally not the cut and thrust of the main race, maybe 4 or 5 really quick cars and drivers in each group, the rest 'gentleman' owners. (nowt wrong in that, given the chance I am sure I would be amoung them) this throws up some unsual results, but the joy is seeing the cars not the racing.

Title: Re: Le Mans Classic 2010 Who's going?
Post by: Martini...LB on October 07, 2009, 09:10:50 pm
in fact we ened up with more tickets than we needed, a pair for MB and Karting Nord, we offloaded the MB on CA and kept the Karting Nord.

Why do that then?

I have booked my hols for next year 07 - 12 July which I hope is the right weekend, just realised as I am typing this that the 12th is the wifes birthday (oops, never mind). Pretty sure that Sconefinger and Sideways are going as well but may be staying off site.


Title: Re: Le Mans Classic 2010 Who's going?
Post by: Fran on October 08, 2009, 12:23:07 am
I went last year and really enjoyed it - may go again next time.  Got my tickets on CA so dont really know the proper system!


Title: Re: Le Mans Classic 2010 Who's going?
Post by: garyfrogeye on October 08, 2009, 12:33:18 am
Thanks for all the answers. I'd really like to hook up with people I know from here but it seems many people stay off circuit and I don't want to do that.
Which camping sites do people use?

Title: Re: Le Mans Classic 2010 Who's going?
Post by: Fran on October 08, 2009, 12:49:13 am
I was on MB - it wasnt busy.


Title: Re: Le Mans Classic 2010 Who's going?
Post by: Werner on October 08, 2009, 07:38:45 am
I'll be there again. We were on MB last time, enjoyed it and the campsite was not full. I booked the MB ticket with the ACO - no problem



Title: Re: Le Mans Classic 2010 Who's going?
Post by: Barry on October 08, 2009, 09:16:56 am
Thanks for all the answers. I'd really like to hook up with people I know from here but it seems many people stay off circuit and I don't want to do that.
Which camping sites do people use?

There was quiet a few CAer's on MB last time we went in 2006.
We are certainly going for MB, and have not had problems getting them in the past.
Essential for the weekend is a paddock pass, in previous years this has been free to ACO members if they applied for tickets in advance, other than that 16€ in I remember correctly.

Title: Re: Le Mans Classic 2010 Who's going?
Post by: Steve Pyro on October 08, 2009, 01:54:41 pm
Gary, they'll be a group of us cobra dudes going along again.  You're welcome to join our happy band.

Title: Re: Le Mans Classic 2010 Who's going?
Post by: garyfrogeye on October 08, 2009, 02:33:42 pm
Hi Steve,

Many thanks for the kind offer. Have you all sorted tickets and camping yet and where are you staying?

Title: Re: Le Mans Classic 2010 Who's going?
Post by: Steve Pyro on October 08, 2009, 06:11:06 pm
Gary, we normally source direct from the ACO and camp in MB - the ticket office is not yet open (!!!)  I'll email you when I know from the others what we'll require.

Title: Re: Le Mans Classic 2010 Who's going?
Post by: garyfrogeye on October 08, 2009, 06:58:29 pm
Many thanks (as usual) Steve


Title: Re: Le Mans Classic 2010 Who's going?
Post by: Leftie on October 09, 2009, 01:12:26 am
If I am still alive and in gainfull (earning money) employment I shall be there with the 'Sixfire'.

Hope to be going with a pal with a Mk1 GT6 with tickets through the TSSC. I think they normally take over Tete Rouge.

Title: Re: Le Mans Classic 2010 Who's going?
Post by: yorkie on October 09, 2009, 11:57:18 am
I have seen each of the Classics and in some ways prefer it to the 24hrs.
The delay with tickets is due to Peter Sport ,the organisers, the ACO  are themselves ticket agents for this event. ACO members get 6 x 24hrs tickets at a discounted rate but only 4 for the Classic.
However I do not see tickets or camping spaces selling out spectator levels are 120,000 not the 222,000 seen at the 24hrs. Last year I bought 4 tickets at the gate as more mates decended on us than expected.
House full for next year and I think places reserved for every event in the forseeable future.
JulesG if you search on Picasa or Flikr for Le Mans Classic there are 1000s of photos to show you what the event is all about.