Club Arnage

Club Arnage => General Discussion => Topic started by: jpchenet on September 30, 2009, 12:34:34 pm

Title: Doris Is Leaving - Let's See Her Off In Style!!!!
Post by: jpchenet on September 30, 2009, 12:34:34 pm
As sad as it may initially seem, the time has come to say "au revoir" to a very good friend, and immense contributor to all that is Club Arnage.

As many of you know already know, "Doris", our Club Arnage Charity Organiser/Ambassador/President/"Miss" Bitch has decided to do the very sensible thing and desert these shores for a life of Vineyards, Wine, Space, Sun and Relaxation in her home country of New Zealand and who can blame her!

Doris has not only built a huge amount of respect and friendship in cyberspace through this forum for the work she has done for the CA Charities, but also in person with a lot of friends through her trips to Le Mans, Sebring, Le Mans Series races, GT Races, A1 GP Visits, supporting Tom Dunstan through his career and of course a series of social gatherings! There can't be many on CA that haven't experienced her charitable efforts or friendship over the years and I for one whilst wishing her the very best of luck in her new venture "back home" will certainly miss her when she has gone, and I'm sure I won't be the only one!

I hope that her return to New Zealand won't mean the end to her relationship with this forum, and I hope she still manages to visit Le Mans, Sebring, Petit Le Mans and other races to see us, and I equally hope we all have a chance to visit it in the Southern Hemisphere, whether it be a race at Bathurst or the Rugby World Cup  :).

To Celebrate/Commiserate that she is leaving, we are planning a get together on Saturday the 31st October. The approximate itinerary of the day is as follows:

13:00 onwards:   Drinks in Twickenham, probably the "Gary Owen/Previously Rugby Tavern" or "Barmy Arms" TBC
15:00:                Harlequins versus London Irish at The Stoop. Doris, I and others have been regular supporters of London Irish for several years and it seems fitting that a match should be included in the day
20:00 onwards:   A get together at "The Gateway" in Reading town centre. (Our usual haunt after a London Irish game). Martin the Landlord is going to arrange for an Irish Band for the night at his expense  (shows how much Doris has contributed to his pub over the years!) I have suggested we will have some sort of "buffet" too, subject to contributions!
??:??               The bar will close at some time in the early hours. Martin will sort an extension accordingly!  :)

I hope several people will come to the rugby tickets and even more come to the pub in the evening. I am happy to try to co-ordinate this (subject to numbers) and would apprecaite anyone wanting to participate in any part, particularly anyone wanting tickets to the Rugby,  to let me know as soon as possible. Please let me know if you'd like to contribute towards the buffet!

I speak for myself, but I'm sure I am not alone, when I say I will really miss "Doris", I wish hell Health, Luck, Love, Friendship and Happiness in everything she does, and I know we stay in touch for years to come and will meet at a race track somewhere on the planet in the future!

Please indicate if you will attend as I need to let Martin know how many he can expect in the pub that night. I also need to need fairly soon how many rugby tickets i need to organise.

Estimated cost per ticket for the Rugby at this time is £25 TBC

Please RSVP by Friday 23rd October at the absolute latest to confirm if you'll attend the rugby and willing to contribute towards the buffet.


Mark/JP Chenet

Title: Re: Doris Is Leaving - Let's See Her Off In Style!!!!
Post by: Paddy_NL on September 30, 2009, 12:50:36 pm
Hmm, only £45 for a return Dunkirk - Dover. But I have Harrison that weekend :-\

Title: Re: Doris Is Leaving - Let's See Her Off In Style!!!!
Post by: Bob U on September 30, 2009, 01:18:58 pm
Hhhmm 31st of October. That is the one night a year that Mrs U goes out with her friends ;D

I will definately be there to see Doris off in style. Will let you know later if it is just me or not

Title: Re: Doris Is Leaving - Let's See Her Off In Style!!!!
Post by: Lorry on September 30, 2009, 02:14:05 pm
Good luck Doris

One of our team emmigrated to NZ, not sure where but its the centre of the Pinot Noir growing area.  I trust that you're going somewhere similar.

On holiday on the 31st, but have one for me.  I haven't been in the Gateway for years.  Not since it was the Railway, but then it became a Scruffy Murphy's

Title: Re: Doris Is Leaving - Let's See Her Off In Style!!!!
Post by: Perdu on September 30, 2009, 02:28:48 pm
It's quite scary to realise how poor this country will feel without our Doris

gonna miss you babe

I havent a clue about rugerby or any of that stuff but if I can get a passout look for me in a bar where you will be

(prolly near the door to the bog!)

I will try to get there

[fingers crossed mode on]


Title: Re: Doris Is Leaving - Let's See Her Off In Style!!!!
Post by: RockerRiert on September 30, 2009, 05:19:21 pm
Afraid I can't make that. Wish you all, and Doris in special, a great leaving party.

Title: Re: Doris Is Leaving - Let's See Her Off In Style!!!!
Post by: TobyAnscombe on September 30, 2009, 05:31:23 pm
Young Perdu - I will have to rely on you to pass on regards and thoughts as unfortunately I will be over in New York....


Now thinking as to various technical schemes that will allow Doris to be 'virtually' there next year......

Title: Re: Doris Is Leaving - Let's See Her Off In Style!!!!
Post by: Brian(Liverpool boys) on September 30, 2009, 05:53:56 pm
Sorry JP, I am away that weekend but would have loved to have attended, please pass on our regards and good wishes to Doris, she will be sorely missed.

Title: Re: Doris Is Leaving - Let's See Her Off In Style!!!!
Post by: Snoring Rhino on September 30, 2009, 07:02:13 pm
All the best Miss Doris, besure you give my boy a good thrashing, beating, Butter slapping before you go will, try and make it.

Title: Re: Doris Is Leaving - Let's See Her Off In Style!!!!
Post by: Boorish Grobian on September 30, 2009, 08:23:17 pm
She maybe returning to Kiwi land, but she damn well better be at Turn 10 come March.
Good luck Doris, see you at Sebring.

Title: Re: Doris Is Leaving - Let's See Her Off In Style!!!!
Post by: Werner on October 01, 2009, 06:28:02 am
All the best in Kiwiland, Doris, wonderful place to live, I had the chance to make 2 holidays there. Where will you be - North- or south-Island?



Title: Re: Doris Is Leaving - Let's See Her Off In Style!!!!
Post by: Steve Pyro on October 01, 2009, 03:05:13 pm
Sounds good - would be an honour to see the old gal off in style.  I'll let you know my arrangements etc.

Title: Re: Doris Is Leaving - Let's See Her Off In Style!!!!
Post by: Kev_mk3 on October 01, 2009, 08:58:04 pm
im away that weekend but please have a million beers on me is sending such a wonderful woman off home :)

All the best Doris and was a pleasure to meet you at Lemans :)

Title: Re: Doris Is Leaving - Let's See Her Off In Style!!!!
Post by: Brad Zarse on October 02, 2009, 02:04:21 pm
The event I kinda hoped I wouldn't have to attend.

Doris has been a huge part of the Le-Mans, Nurburgring, Random parties and debauchery scene for me since the start.  We don't always see eye to eye - in fact it's fair to say I know which buttons to push to really wind her up, but despite this, there's always been alot of love there.

I'll say all this on the day, but she'll no doubt forget it in a drunken, cider induced haze. So I'll put it here for prosperity.  Doris you've been an amazing companion on our trips together.  Fun and sassy, with an energetic and slightly aggressive edge.  I've had a great time partying with you, and I, along with the rest of Club Arnage are really going to miss you out there in Australia  New Zealand (it's all the same really!)

Thanks for the memories, and don't be a stranger - there's always a bed for you at our place (or a sofa, or a pitch in the shed).

We'll see you again soon no doubt - but I wish you the luck and happiness you truly deserve when you get back home.

Lots of love, hugs, and some slightly disturbing memories,


Title: Re: Doris Is Leaving - Let's See Her Off In Style!!!!
Post by: Bob U on October 02, 2009, 03:50:34 pm
She maybe returning to Kiwi land, but she damn well better be at Turn 10 come March.

I'll second that 8)

Title: Re: Doris Is Leaving - Let's See Her Off In Style!!!!
Post by: Mr. Rick on October 04, 2009, 05:23:11 pm
Deffo count me in! 1x rugger billet and Travelodge floorspace required ;O)

Title: Re: Doris Is Leaving - Let's See Her Off In Style!!!!
Post by: Leftie on October 05, 2009, 12:24:16 am
Hope to be there at Rugby Tavern/Barmy. Know them well (Used to work on 3rd Floor above Rugby T). Should also be at The Stoop for the match. (My mate is Stewart at the LI HQ  ;D)

But this all depends on health and ????? As I will have to be Ttotal >:D due to medical reasons. (Like Hell)

Title: Re: Doris Is Leaving - Let's See Her Off In Style!!!!
Post by: Leftie on October 05, 2009, 12:33:59 am
im away that weekend but please have a million beers on me is sending such a wonderful woman off home :)

All the best Doris and was a pleasure to meet you at Lemans :)

Kev, are you picking up the tab fo the 1 million beers? Very brave of you.

Title: Re: Doris Is Leaving - Let's See Her Off In Style!!!!
Post by: F-Troop Mom on October 05, 2009, 10:14:15 pm
As long as you can make it to races occasionally, Doris, I know you will continue to be an active member of Club Arnage and our racing fan community. 

She has helped me out in the past and I only hope I can return the favor and help her out in the future.  She represents the definition of an endurance race fan….racing, fun, travel, parties, and most of all, friends!

I certainly wish I could attend the festivities but there’s a bit of water in the way so I will have to wait to see her next time we’re at a race together.  Wishing you success and happiness with your new adventure Doris.  ;D

Title: Re: Doris Is Leaving - Let's See Her Off In Style!!!!
Post by: mgmark on October 05, 2009, 11:39:13 pm
Sadly, unlikely that I can make it due to a combination of being in Morocco just prior to the event and commitments which are barking mad for the foreseeable future.  If, however, a late opportunity for a break out to revel in the post-rugby bit presents then I'll be there, otherwise, I shall lift a glass or two in celebration of a CAers life in UK led to the full, with plenty of good memories of conversation at various Le Mans parties, plus Doris's outstanding contribution to managing and cojoling the CA charitable side of the house. 

All the best for the future in the Antipodes, make sure you stay in touch, give us good CA deals on vintage Chateau Doris wines, and that you're back at Le Mans!  :-* :'( ;D

MG Mark   

Title: Re: Doris Is Leaving - Let's See Her Off In Style!!!!
Post by: Lord Pig-Pen on October 08, 2009, 10:55:03 pm
I have just secured 6 months ongoing work so count me in to all ;D
I may be having a few to celebrate ;D

Title: Re: Doris Is Leaving - Let's See Her Off In Style!!!!
Post by: Nobby Diesel on October 09, 2009, 12:08:06 am
I have just secured 6 months ongoing work so count me in to all ;D
I may be having a few to celebrate ;D

Is the 6 months work escorting/protecting those PR girls?
If so, you'll never last!!
Congrats, all the same.

EFA - just read the other thread. Probably not going to be as exciting as recent employ!

Title: Re: Doris Is Leaving - Let's See Her Off In Style!!!!
Post by: jpchenet on October 09, 2009, 09:48:54 am
Are you coming out to play on the 31st Nigel?

Title: Re: Doris Is Leaving - Let's See Her Off In Style!!!!
Post by: Lord Pig-Pen on October 09, 2009, 03:32:50 pm
I have just secured 6 months ongoing work so count me in to all ;D
I may be having a few to celebrate ;D

Is the 6 months work escorting/protecting those PR girls?
If so, you'll never last!!
Congrats, all the same.

EFA - just read the other thread. Probably not going to be as exciting as recent employ!
New work is my usual surveying but for Southampton Council this time.
My "other" work is continuing this weekend... Steve Zarse and I are taking the Scooby to Snetterton for the Modified Live show at Snetterton. We will be with Max Power and Unlimited Styling and the Unlinited girls are doing the Voltz promo stuff.... It will be very dull!! ;)

Title: Re: Doris Is Leaving - Let's See Her Off In Style!!!!
Post by: Barry on October 09, 2009, 08:43:14 pm
Yeh, I'm sure ;)

Title: Re: Doris Is Leaving - Let's See Her Off In Style!!!!
Post by: Weena on October 13, 2009, 11:32:25 pm

Unfortunately Est and I wont be able to make your leaving do  :(
Its been an absolute pleasure partying with you over the last few years, wishing you all the best.

We'll miss you
Rowena & Esther xxx

Title: Re: Doris Is Leaving - Let's See Her Off In Style!!!!
Post by: Brad Zarse on October 14, 2009, 06:23:06 pm

Unfortunately Est and I wont be able to make your leaving do  :(
Its been an absolute pleasure partying with you over the last few years, wishing you all the best.

We'll miss you
Rowena & Esther xxx


You know you can stop with me right??

Title: Re: Doris Is Leaving - Let's See Her Off In Style!!!!
Post by: Snoring Rhino on October 14, 2009, 09:19:23 pm

Unfortunately Est and I wont be able to make your leaving do  :(
Its been an absolute pleasure partying with you over the last few years, wishing you all the best.

We'll miss you
Rowena & Esther xxx


You know you can stop with me right??

Yes totally Lame, I will make plenty of room for you both in Brads spare bed.....

Title: Re: Doris Is Leaving - Let's See Her Off In Style!!!!
Post by: Weena on October 14, 2009, 10:51:15 pm
You are both very kind but its nothing to do with sleeping arrangements, hell remember we came camping to Woollys party with no tent?!  ;D
We are both working in Barcelona that wk end (and before we get any sarky comments no not on the streets!)

Its just a shame they clash or we'd have been there with bells on  :'(

Title: Re: Doris Is Leaving - Let's See Her Off In Style!!!!
Post by: jpchenet on October 15, 2009, 12:50:15 am
Just a quick heads up for everyone. I'm ordering the Rugby tickets this weekend. So if you have said you want to do the Rugby, I'll be needing a payment off you of £25 per person in the very near future.

If you haven't said that you want to come to the Rugby but you've now decided you do, it's not too late! Just let me know by Friday!

Looks like there should be about 20 of us at the Rugby and several more joining us for the evening so should be a good send off!!

Title: Re: Doris Is Leaving - Let's See Her Off In Style!!!!
Post by: Dirk3D_NL on October 15, 2009, 09:23:43 pm
I am very sorry that I can't be around that weekend...

I wish you all a lot of fun, and Doris, we will definately catch up somewhere on a track in the coming years anyways, be it Le Mans, Petit, Sebring or Bathurst!

Title: Re: Doris Is Leaving - Let's See Her Off In Style!!!!
Post by: Lord Pig-Pen on October 15, 2009, 10:11:10 pm
As discussed with Mark earlier... Count me in >:D

Title: Re: Doris Is Leaving - Let's See Her Off In Style!!!!
Post by: Lawnmower Man on October 20, 2009, 11:08:09 am
Sadly I'm not going to be able to make the 31st.  Needless to say I'm gutted!!!  I think it's fair to say I've known Doris longer that most people on CA since I knew her before she joined CA.   So to miss her farewell is somewhat remiss of me.

So please have one for me.

Hopefully Doris will only be leaving the UK and not CA.  :) :) :)


Title: Re: Doris Is Leaving - Let's See Her Off In Style!!!!
Post by: jpchenet on October 20, 2009, 02:09:34 pm
Sadly I'm not going to be able to make the 31st.  Needless to say I'm gutted!!!  I think it's fair to say I've known Doris longer that most people on CA since I knew her before she joined CA.   So to miss her farewell is somewhat remiss of me.

So please have one for me.

Hopefully Doris will only be leaving the UK and not CA.  :) :) :)


That's a real shame Tom!

Maybe you are free to join Doris and I at London Irish v Leicester this weekend at the Mad Stad instead?

Title: Re: Doris Is Leaving - Let's See Her Off In Style!!!!
Post by: Lawnmower Man on October 20, 2009, 04:14:57 pm
Sadly I'm not going to be able to make the 31st.  Needless to say I'm gutted!!!  I think it's fair to say I've known Doris longer that most people on CA since I knew her before she joined CA.   So to miss her farewell is somewhat remiss of me.

So please have one for me.

Hopefully Doris will only be leaving the UK and not CA.  :) :) :)


That's a real shame Tom!

Maybe you are free to join Doris and I at London Irish v Leicester this weekend at the Mad Stad instead?

Sounds like a plan.  I'll let you know later to day.


Title: Re: Doris Is Leaving - Let's See Her Off In Style!!!!
Post by: Lawnmower Man on October 20, 2009, 11:04:23 pm
Sadly I'm not going to be able to make the 31st.  Needless to say I'm gutted!!!  I think it's fair to say I've known Doris longer that most people on CA since I knew her before she joined CA.   So to miss her farewell is somewhat remiss of me.

So please have one for me.

Hopefully Doris will only be leaving the UK and not CA.  :) :) :)


That's a real shame Tom!

Maybe you are free to join Doris and I at London Irish v Leicester this weekend at the Mad Stad instead?

Sounds like a plan.  I'll let you know later to day.


You should have SMS.

Title: Re: Doris Is Leaving - Let's See Her Off In Style!!!!
Post by: jpchenet on October 29, 2009, 04:40:46 pm
OK, there are 25 of us going to the rugby and hopefully a further 15/20 joining us for the evening!

The final rough plan is as follows:

12.30 - 2.15    Meet at the Garry Owen, 68 London Road, Twickenham, TW1 3QS. Come out of Twickenham train station, turn left over the bridge and it's the first bar on the left!

2.20 Leave for "The Stoop"

2.40 Arrive at "The Stoop" and collect tickets

3.00 Kick Off

5.00 (approx) Match Ends. Either straight back to the train station and head for Reading or maybe get dragged into a bar on the way.

7.30 Onwards. The Gateway - 31 Greyfriars Road,  Reading, RG1 1PA, 0118 959 0376 Come out of Reading train station, turn right. Take first left into Greyfriars Road.. Do not go into the pub on the corner with the Rainbow flags!! The Gateway is 100 yards on the right!

Live Irish Music from 8.00

Buffet from 8.30. Approx £4 a head towards the buffet would be appreciated!

Look forward to seeing you all there!!

Title: Re: Doris Is Leaving - Let's See Her Off In Style!!!!
Post by: Bob U on October 29, 2009, 04:48:20 pm
Looking forward to it, and for once I don't have to drive ;D

Title: Re: Doris Is Leaving - Let's See Her Off In Style!!!!
Post by: Barry on October 29, 2009, 05:07:08 pm
Cheers JP.

Thanks for organizing this. ;D

Title: Re: Doris Is Leaving - Let's See Her Off In Style!!!!
Post by: Snoring Rhino on November 01, 2009, 12:08:17 am
Sorry I did not make it Dx, I'm sure you will have had a great day and night and that your head hurts appropriatly. All the best for your return home and look forward to seeing you in some drunken haze in the future.

Title: Re: Doris Is Leaving - Let's See Her Off In Style!!!!
Post by: Bob U on November 01, 2009, 11:08:17 am
A good night and a good turn out. Good luck and Bon Voyage Doris. I consider it a privelidge to have had so many good times with you.

Title: Re: Doris Is Leaving - Let's See Her Off In Style!!!!
Post by: Mr. Rick on November 01, 2009, 05:12:22 pm
Great day and night!!  ;D

Good luck old fruit, things might just get a little quieter come Tuesday .. but then again, given the racket in the Travelodge beyond 3am I'm not too sure, think those remaining in Blighty are more than capable of making up in that department!


Title: Re: Doris Is Leaving - Let's See Her Off In Style!!!!
Post by: mgmark on November 01, 2009, 06:04:12 pm
Doris - sounds like a good send off - all the best in the Antipodes, look forward to hearing how the first vintage cuvee is coming along in due course.

MG Mark

Title: Re: Doris Is Leaving - Let's See Her Off In Style!!!!
Post by: Barry on November 01, 2009, 06:11:10 pm

It has been an absolute pleasure to know you and enjoy your company over the last 6 years.

Have a safe trip home, and we all look forward to sampling Chateau Doris at some point in the future.

Our loss is New Zealand's gain.

Promise I won't mention the 'J' word, yes I do remember, but you will always be our Doris.


Barry & Jo

Title: Re: Doris Is Leaving - Let's See Her Off In Style!!!!
Post by: Andy Zarse on November 01, 2009, 08:28:25 pm
See you in Welly soon Doris!  :)

Title: Re: Doris Is Leaving - Let's See Her Off In Style!!!!
Post by: smokie on November 02, 2009, 12:50:09 am
A great evening, thanks for bringing so much to the CA experience over the years.

Title: Re: Doris Is Leaving - Let's See Her Off In Style!!!!
Post by: Lord Pig-Pen on November 04, 2009, 02:37:24 am
I know its late on here but I think our chat yesterday summed it up. The adventures we have all had together will live for ever and be stories of myth and legend.
How you could have put up with such idiots as you did in Germany astounds me, so you will easily be able to deal with your student friends in NZ! ;)
Cheers for the text today... I trust you managed to do all of the Champagne on offer and did a Steve in your sleep (although not wearing gimp pants).

Your 40th will not be forgotten >:D


Title: Re: Doris Is Leaving - Let's See Her Off In Style!!!!
Post by: Steve Pyro on November 04, 2009, 09:33:46 pm
Fabulosso  ;D